Driving License (DL) Lookup

Use this endpoint to verify a user's identity information and their driver license number through the Federal Road Safety Commission (FRSC).

Sample request body


Response Sample

The result of this endpoint is sent to the integrator's webhook URL. An example response is given below:

  "message": "Ok",
  "data": {
    "birthDate": "14-04-1931",
    "expiryDate": "15-07-2027",
    "firstName": "OLA",
    "gender": "Male",
    "issuedDate": "15-06-2021",
    "lastName": "DAMOLA",
    "licenseNo": "IKJ29459AB13",
    "middleName": "",
    "stateOfIssue": "ANAMBRA",
    "status": "completed",
    "id": "c61060e9-635a-5392-b39d-b1c27479d67c"
  "checksum": "9aec066802781bcc459a41aa89da635a8d110bfe4d7f2847c4c67a3303ab7640"
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!