Start government issued ID checks

Use this endpoint to check the authenticity of the government issued IDs. The required documents needs to be uploaded and key obtained before using this endpoint .

Sample request body

  "inputs": [


The result of this endpoint is sent to the integrator's webhook URL. Sample responses for passport are shown below

      "message": "Ok",
      "data": {
        "id": "b9665b0e-a621-450b-b444-871fdddc3205",
        "docType": "passport",
        "fullName": "CIROMA CHUKWUMA ADEKUNLE",
        "dateOfBirth": "1998-04-25",
        "frontUrl": "",
        "resourseId": "65a7f840920212001d382257",
        "documentNumber": "A24394286",
        "expirationDate": "2029-06-25"
    "message": "Ok",
    "data": {
      "id": "b9665b0e-a621-450b-b444-871fdddc3205",
      "list": [
          "fullName": "CIROMA CHUKWUMA ADEKUNLE",
          "dateOfBirth": "25-04-1998",
          "list": "US Bureau of Industry and Security",
          "found": false
          "fullName": "CIROMA CHUKWUMA ADEKUNLE",
          "dateOfBirth": "25-04-1998",
          "list": "Swiss SECO Sanctions",
          "found": false
    "message": "Ok",
    "data": {
      "id": "b9665b0e-a621-450b-b444-871fdddc3205",
      "docType": "passport",
      "templateMatch": true
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!