Start facematch

Use this endpoint to run facematch. Make sure you have uploaded the required documents and selfie video before calling this endpoint with your uploaded documents key. Some documents demand that your supply both the front and back sides. e.g Driving license and national ID.

Sample request body



The result of this endpoint is sent to the integrator's webhook URL. An example of facematch response is shown below:

  "message": "Ok",
  "data": {
    "score": 100,
    "status": "completed",
    "id": "c61060e9-635a-5392-b39d-b1c27479d67c"
  "checksum": "9f76d08d50463789c0128e5ee6d316310064ca1afeb15f55e2dcfb5c4cc9074e"
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!