Entity Reporting

Entity Reporting

This endpoint returns a list of name, details and entity IDs associated with a given name string.

API Request

\--request GET
     --url <https://sandbox-api.oneliquidity.technology/compliance/v1/aml/entity/search?name=”Sample> entity”  
     --header 'accept: application/json'  
     --header 'authorization: Bearer token

API Request Parameter

nameThe name of the entity to searchstring

API Response Sample

  "message": "Ok",  
  "data": [  
      "entityId": "a2a5-1ad1-b34b-2222-ca8c",  
      "entityName": "First entity name"  
      "entityId": "a2a5-1ad1-b34b-2222-ca8c",  
      "entityName": "Second entity name"  

API Reference ➡️

Get Entity Report

This endpoint is used to get the entity report a list of name and entity IDs associated with the given name string.

API Request

curl --request GET  
     --url <https://sandbox-api.oneliquidity.technology/compliance/v1/aml/entity/report/c85a4058-9266-435f-9a98-41d43e44d437>  
     --header 'accept: application/json'  
     --header 'authorization: Bearer token'

API Request Parameter

reportIdEntity report UUIDstring

API Response Sample

  "message": "Ok",  
  "data": {  
    "entityReportMetadataSection": {  
      "reportId": "aaaa-1111-bbbb-2222-cccc",  
      "reportTime": "2022-08-05 10:44:08"  
    "entityReportsDetailsSection": {  
      "entityName": "Example company name",  
      "entityId": "aaaa-1111-bbbb-2222-cccc",  
      "website": "<https://example.com>  

      "associatedEntities": [  
          "legalEntityName": "Example Service Limited",  
          "dateOfIncorporateAction": "2022-06-14T00:00:00.000Z",  
          "companyNumber": "1234567"  
      "businessActivity": [  
          "flagId": 100,  
          "name": "Entity is a Cryptocurrency exchange"  
      "associatedCountries": {  
        "licensing": [  
            "country": "Italy",  
            "countryCode": "Code of the country"  
        "registration": [  
            "country": "Italy",  
            "countryCode": "Code of the country"  
        "jurisdiction": [  
            "country": "Italy",  
            "countryCode": "Code of the country"  
        "other": [  
            "country": "Italy",  
            "countryCode": "Code of the country"  
    "licensingAuthorizationInfoSection": [  
        "entityName": "Example company name",  
        "licenseName": "Virtual Currency Operator",  
        "licenseNumber": "LIC123",  
        "typeOfLicense": "Temporary license",  
        "grantedBy": "Sample Granting authority",  
        "licensedDate": "2022-06-14T00:00:00.000Z",  
        "expiryDate": "2022-06-14T00:00:00.000Z",  
        "jurisdiction": {  
          "country": "Italy",  
          "countryCode": "Code of the country"  
    "entityRisksSection": {  
      "riskLevel": "MEDIUM",  
      "riskLevelInfo": [  
          "name": "The entity is an obliged service with full KYC process",  
          "groupName": "Full KYC",  
          "impact": 17,  
          "type": 2,  
          "flagId": 9  
    "productInformationSection": {  
      "privacyCoins": true,  
      "fiatDepositAndWithdrawals": true,  
      "securityTokens": "XRT",  
      "anonymityCoins": [  
      "stableCoins": [  
    "entityPhysicalAddressesSection": [  
        "isRegistrationAddress": true,  
        "country": "Italy",  
        "street": "Long Street",  
        "city": "London",  
        "zipCode": "123-AA",  
        "jurisdiction": {  
          "country": "Italy",  
          "countryCode": "Code of the country"  
    "negativeNewsInformationSection": [  
        "url": "<https://negative-news-page.com>"  
    "otherInformationSection": {  
      "disclaimer": "Example Disclaimer Description",  
      "glossary": [  
          "term": "Example Term",  
          "description": "Example Term Description"  

API Reference ➡️

Post Entity Report

This endpoint is used to submit entityId for entity report generation.

API Request

curl --request POST  
     --url <https://sandbox-api.oneliquidity.technology/compliance/v1/aml/entity/report>  
     --header 'accept: application/json'  
     --header 'authorization: Bearer token'

API Request Body

      "entityId": "c85a4058-9266-435f-9a98-41d43e44d437"
entityIdEntity ID from entity searchstring

API Response Sample

  "message": "Ok",  
  "data": {  
    "entityReportMetadataSection": {  
      "reportId": "aaaa-1111-bbbb-2222-cccc",  
      "reportTime": "2022-08-05 10:44:08"  
    "entityReportsDetailsSection": {  
      "entityName": "Example company name",  
      "entityId": "aaaa-1111-bbbb-2222-cccc",  
      "website": "<https://example.com>  

      "associatedEntities": [  
          "legalEntityName": "Example Service Limited",  
          "dateOfIncorporateAction": "2022-06-14T00:00:00.000Z",  
          "companyNumber": "1234567"  
      "businessActivity": [  
          "flagId": 100,  
          "name": "Entity is a Cryptocurrency exchange"  
      "associatedCountries": {  
        "licensing": [  
            "country": "Italy",  
            "countryCode": "Code of the country"  
        "registration": [  
            "country": "Italy",  
            "countryCode": "Code of the country"  
        "jurisdiction": [  
            "country": "Italy",  
            "countryCode": "Code of the country"  
        "other": [  
            "country": "Italy",  
            "countryCode": "Code of the country"  
    "licensingAuthorizationInfoSection": [  
        "entityName": "Example company name",  
        "licenseName": "Virtual Currency Operator",  
        "licenseNumber": "LIC123",  
        "typeOfLicense": "Temporary license",  
        "grantedBy": "Sample Granting authority",  
        "licensedDate": "2022-06-14T00:00:00.000Z",  
        "expiryDate": "2022-06-14T00:00:00.000Z",  
        "jurisdiction": {  
          "country": "Italy",  
          "countryCode": "Code of the country"  
    "entityRisksSection": {  
      "riskLevel": "MEDIUM",  
      "riskLevelInfo": [  
          "name": "The entity is an obliged service with full KYC process",  
          "groupName": "Full KYC",  
          "impact": 17,  
          "type": 2,  
          "flagId": 9  
    "productInformationSection": {  
      "privacyCoins": true,  
      "fiatDepositAndWithdrawals": true,  
      "securityTokens": "XRT",  
      "anonymityCoins": [  
      "stableCoins": [  
    "entityPhysicalAddressesSection": [  
        "isRegistrationAddress": true,  
        "country": "Italy",  
        "street": "Long Street",  
        "city": "London",  
        "zipCode": "123-AA",  
        "jurisdiction": {  
          "country": "Italy",  
          "countryCode": "Code of the country"  
    "negativeNewsInformationSection": [  
        "url": "<https://negative-news-page.com>"  
    "otherInformationSection": {  
      "disclaimer": "Example Disclaimer Description",  
      "glossary": [  
          "term": "Example Term",  
          "description": "Example Term Description"  

API Reference ➡️

Get Entity Indicators

This endpoint is used to retrieve entity indicators.

API Request

curl --request GET  
     --url <https://sandbox-api.oneliquidity.technology/compliance/v1/aml/entity/indicators/c85a4058-9266-435f-9a98-41d43e44d437>  
     --header 'accept: application/json'  
     --header 'authorization: Bearer token’'

API Request Parameter

reportIdEntity report UUIDstring

API Response Sample

  "message": "Ok",  
  "data": {  
    "catName": "Direct links to crime and fraud offences",  
    "riskDetected": false,  
    "isInformative": false,  
    "type": 1,  
    "subCategories": \[  
        "subCatName": "Cybercrime risk - ransomware",  
        "riskDetected": false,  
        "isInformative": false,  
        "type": 1,  
        "flags": [  
            "name": "Address with significant part of incoming transactions in close proximity to addresses related to ransomware",  
            "description": "Risk indicator description",  
            "riskDetected": false,  
            "isInformative": false,  
            "type": 1  

API Reference ➡️