Crypto AML Screening
Crypto Transaction Analysis
This endpoint enables the user to submit transaction details for risk score analysis. This responds with the risk score associated with the transaction and the contributions to the risk score.
API Request
curl --request POST \
--url \
--header 'accept: application/json' \
--header 'authorization: Bearer token' \
--header 'content-type: application/json' \
--data '
"outAddress": "bc1qxy2kgdygjrsqtzq2n0yrf2493p83kkfjhx0wlh",
"logIndex": 43,
"network": "bitcoin",
"hash": "0xd6d675e54e614de7b53a7fd2ffb376768f49889c83d35764f1871841a6464d66",
"currency": "USDT",
"type": "source"
Transaction Analysis Fields
Field | Description | Type |
outAddress | The output address for the transaction | string |
network | The network/block of the transaction | string |
hash | The transaction hash | string |
currency | The currency/asset involved in the transaction | string |
type | The could be source (source of fund) or destination (destionation of fund) which indicates the direction of the risk analysis. | string |
API Sample Response
"message": "Ok",
"data": {
"type": "source_of_funds",
"subject": {
"asset": "ETH",
"type": "transaction",
"hash": "0x4672bad527107471cb5067a887f4656d585a8a31",
"transactionHash": "dbaf14e1c476e76ea05a8b71921a46d6b06f0a950f17c5f9f1a03b8fae467f10",
"outputType": "address",
"outputAddress": "1MdYC22Gmjp2ejVPCxyYjFyWbQCYTGhGq8",
"outputIndices": [
"logIndex": 10
"analysedAt": "2022-10-19T10:51:40.440Z",
"riskScore": 3.038007,
"predictive": false,
"blockchainInfo": {
"address": {
"hasSent": true,
"hasReceived": true
"transaction": {
"time": "2019-05-26T04:36:05.000Z",
"inputs": [
"hash": "0x056fd409e1d7a124bd7017459dfea2f387b6d5cd",
"amount": {
"native": 38383838,
"nativeMajor": 38383838,
"usd": 38383838
"index": 0,
"labels": [
"name": "A Dark Market",
"category": "Dark Market",
"isPrimaryEntity": true
"outputs": [
"hash": "0x056fd409e1d7a124bd7017459dfea2f387b6d5cd",
"amount": {
"native": 38383838,
"nativeMajor": 38383838,
"usd": 38383838
"index": 0,
"labels": [
"name": "A Dark Market",
"category": "Dark Market",
"isPrimaryEntity": true
"value": {
"native": 38383838,
"nativeMajor": 38383838,
"usd": 38383838
"value": 38383838
"processStatus": "running",
"evaluationDetail": [
"ruleName": "Illict",
"riskScore": 9.038007,
"matchedElements": [
"category": "Dark Market",
"contributionPercentage": 0,
"contributionValue": {
"native": 38383838,
"nativeMajor": 383.83838,
"usd": 383.83838
"contributions": [
"contributionPercentage": 0,
"entity": "AlphaBay",
"riskTriggers": {
"name": "Binance",
"category": "Dark Markets",
"isSanctioned": true,
"country": [
"contributionValue": {
"native": 38383838,
"nativeMajor": 383.83838,
"usd": 383.83838
"contributions": [
"entities": [
"name": "Alphabay",
"category": "Dark Market",
"isPrimaryEntity": true,
"isVasp": true
"contributionPercentage": 6.9883,
"contributionValue": {
"native": 0.07414304,
"nativeMajor": 0.07414304,
"usd": 0.07414304
API Reference ➡️
Transaction Analysis History
This endpoint gets the history of the integrator’s transaction analysis carried out in the system so far.
API Request
curl --request GET \
--url '' \
--header 'accept: application/json' \
--header 'authorization: Bearer token'
API Response
"message": "Ok",
"lek": "string",
"data": [
"type": "source_of_funds",
"subject": {
"network": "ethereum",
"asset": "ETH",
"type": "transaction",
"hash": "0x4672bad527107471cb5067a887f4656d585a8a31",
"transactionHash": "dbaf14e1c476e76ea05a8b71921a46d6b06f0a950f17c5f9f1a03b8fae467f10",
"outputType": "address",
"outputAddress": "1MdYC22Gmjp2ejVPCxyYjFyWbQCYTGhGq8",
"outputIndices": [
"logIndex": 10
"analysedAt": "2023-07-24T03:31:42.575Z",
"riskScore": 3.038007,
"predictive": false,
"blockchainInfo": {
"address": {
"hasSent": true,
"hasReceived": true
"transaction": {
"time": "2019-05-26T04:36:05.000Z",
"inputs": [
"hash": "0x056fd409e1d7a124bd7017459dfea2f387b6d5cd",
"amount": {
"native": 38383838,
"nativeMajor": 38383838,
"usd": 38383838
"index": 0,
"labels": [
"name": "A Dark Market",
"category": "Dark Market",
"isPrimaryEntity": true
"outputs": [
"hash": "0x056fd409e1d7a124bd7017459dfea2f387b6d5cd",
"amount": {
"native": 38383838,
"nativeMajor": 38383838,
"usd": 38383838
"index": 0,
"labels": [
"name": "A Dark Market",
"category": "Dark Market",
"isPrimaryEntity": true
"value": {
"native": 38383838,
"nativeMajor": 38383838,
"usd": 38383838
"value": 38383838
"processStatus": "running",
"evaluationDetail": [
"ruleName": "Illict",
"riskScore": 9.038007,
"matchedElements": [
"category": "Dark Market",
"contributionPercentage": 0,
"contributionValue": {
"native": 38383838,
"nativeMajor": 383.83838,
"usd": 383.83838
"contributions": [
"contributionPercentage": 0,
"entity": "AlphaBay",
"riskTriggers": {
"name": "Binance",
"category": "Dark Markets",
"isSanctioned": true,
"country": [
"contributionValue": {
"native": 38383838,
"nativeMajor": 383.83838,
"usd": 383.83838
"contributions": [
"entities": [
"name": "Alphabay",
"category": "Dark Market",
"isPrimaryEntity": true,
"isVasp": true
"contributionPercentage": 6.9883,
"contributionValue": {
"native": 0.07414304,
"nativeMajor": 0.07414304,
"usd": 0.07414304
API Reference ➡️
Crypto Wallet Analysis
The endpoint carries out risk score analysis on the wallet address submitted. This gives the risk score associated with the wallet address and the contributors to the risk score.
API Request
curl --request POST \
--url \
--header 'accept: application/json' \
--header 'authorization: Bearer token' \
--header 'content-type: application/json' \
--data '
"address": "bc1qxy2kgdygjrsqtzq2n0yrf2493p83kkfjhx0wlh",
"currency": "USDT",
"network": "ETH"
Crypto Wallet Analysis Fields
Field | Description | Type |
address | The wallet address to analyse | string |
network | The network/block of the transaction | string |
currency | The currency/asset involved in the transaction | string |
API Sample Response
"message": "Ok",
"data": {
"reportInfoSection": {
"network": "bitcoin",
"address": "0c92efa116074ba716d0e2156a6ffabd579f8035",
"description": "Hot wallet address belonging to a cryptocurrency exchange.",
"addressType": "ETH",
"addressSubtype": "ETH",
"asset": "ETH",
"precision": 18,
"analysedTime": "2022-05-30T09:54:26.018Z",
"reportBlockHeight": "14871895",
"addressUsed": true,
"isSmartContract": false,
"isCluster": true,
"earlyAccess": false
"riskScoreSection": {
"riskScore": 52,
"riskScoreInfo": [
"name": "Address belongs to entity that allows anonymous coins trading",
"groupName": "Anonymous coins trading",
"impact": 63
"name": "Other Risk Indicators",
"groupName": "Other Risk Indicators",
"impact": 37
"profileSection": {
"owner": {
"name": "Sample company name",
"url": "",
"relations": [
"name": "Related company",
"url": "",
"type": "Charity",
"legalEntityName": "Related company legal entity name",
"description": "Related company description"
"ownerRiskIndicators": [
"risk": "MEDIUM",
"description": "China - Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Singapore, Gibraltar, Japan, Seychelles, Belize"
"identifiedProfiles": [
"profileName": "Hot wallet address",
"profileType": "ADDRESS"
"financialAnalysisSection": {
"ccBalance": 64993407406012050,
"usdBalance": 8.98,
"usdBalanceWithoutTokens": 8.92,
"usdExchangeRate": 137.19,
"firstInput": {
"blockTime": "2018-05-27T02:03:53.000Z",
"txHash": "243dbf77feaa2eadd827bb5a7f1fb4a22754f2a0082d7f766bc256482ad610d8",
"amount": 200000000000000000,
"usdValue": 117.1,
"blockHeight": 5683205,
"activated": false
"firstOutput": {
"blockTime": "2018-05-27T02:22:00.000Z",
"txHash": "effef0f296caffb20761e8e169d85e00bfee1eb4b29a1baa2d82c0bc844f6f3b",
"amount": 0,
"usdValue": 0,
"blockHeight": 5683282,
"activated": false
"lastInput": {
"blockTime": "2018-06-19T16:20:11.000Z",
"txHash": "50d0fd32533f9cd864267dfbea783bc9e832126d1f1c7710b7bf4eba8e57fb96",
"amount": 1100000000000000,
"usdValue": 0.58,
"blockHeight": 5817694,
"activated": false
"lastOutput": {
"blockTime": "2018-08-25T06:37:15.000Z",
"txHash": "b412ef667c2fda6164a22bbf2e117bf6dbeec6722f39b739178a17c0ad940b65",
"amount": 0,
"usdValue": 0,
"blockHeight": 6209586,
"activated": false
"transactions": {
"avgTxFee": 4428635134704500,
"avgTxSize": 0,
"daysWithoutTx": 97,
"receivePeak": 2061,
"sumTxFee": 137287689175840770,
"txCount": 34,
"daysSinceStart": 187,
"ccTurnover": 121601140548290000000,
"usdTurnover": 16682.46
"totalInput": {
"totalInflow": 121702281096580000000,
"avgInflow": 27534452736783224,
"minInflow": 10000000000000,
"maxInflow": 10000000000000000000,
"receiveCount": 4420,
"totalUsdInflow": 16696.34,
"avgUsdInflow": 3.78,
"minUsdInflow": 0,
"maxUsdInflow": 1371.9
"total_output": {
"totalOutflow": 121500000000000000000,
"avgOutflow": 3919354838709677600,
"minOutflow": 0,
"maxOutflow": 100500000000000000000,
"sentCount": 31,
"totalUsdOutflow": 16668.58,
"avgUsdOutflow": 537.7,
"minUsdOutflow": 0,
"maxUsdOutflow": 13787.6
"indicatorsSection": [
"catName": "Direct links to crime and fraud offences",
"riskDetected": false,
"isInformative": false,
"subCategories": [
"subCatName": "Cybercrime risk - ransomware",
"riskDetected": false,
"isInformative": false
"assetsSection": {
"assetsCount": 0,
"usdValue": 0,
"assets": [
"contract": "string",
"name": "string",
"symbol": "string",
"balance": 0,
"balanceUsd": 0,
"xrate": 0,
"precision": 0
API Reference ➡️
Crypto Wallet Analysis History
This endpoint gets the integrator’s wallet address analysis history.
API Request
curl --request GET \
--url '' \
--header 'accept: application/json' \
--header 'authorization: Bearer token'
API Response
"message": "Ok",
"data": [
"reportInfoSection": {
"network": "bitcoin",
"address": "0c92efa116074ba716d0e2156a6ffabd579f8035",
"description": "Hot wallet address belonging to a cryptocurrency exchange.",
"addressType": "ETH",
"addressSubtype": "ETH",
"asset": "ETH",
"precision": 18,
"analysedTime": "2022-05-30T09:54:26.018Z",
"reportBlockHeight": "14871895",
"addressUsed": true,
"isSmartContract": false,
"isCluster": true,
"earlyAccess": false
"riskScoreSection": {
"riskScore": 52,
"riskScoreInfo": [
"name": "Address belongs to entity that allows anonymous coins trading",
"groupName": "Anonymous coins trading",
"impact": 63
"name": "Other Risk Indicators",
"groupName": "Other Risk Indicators",
"impact": 37
"profileSection": {
"owner": {
"name": "Sample company name",
"url": "",
"relations": [
"name": "Related company",
"url": "",
"type": "Charity",
"legalEntityName": "Related company legal entity name",
"description": "Related company description"
"ownerRiskIndicators": [
"risk": "MEDIUM",
"description": "China - Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Singapore, Gibraltar, Japan, Seychelles, Belize"
"identifiedProfiles": [
"profileName": "Hot wallet address",
"profileType": "ADDRESS"
"financialAnalysisSection": {
"ccBalance": 64993407406012050,
"usdBalance": 8.98,
"usdBalanceWithoutTokens": 8.92,
"usdExchangeRate": 137.19,
"firstInput": {
"blockTime": "2018-05-27T02:03:53.000Z",
"txHash": "243dbf77feaa2eadd827bb5a7f1fb4a22754f2a0082d7f766bc256482ad610d8",
"amount": 200000000000000000,
"usdValue": 117.1,
"blockHeight": 5683205,
"activated": false
"firstOutput": {
"blockTime": "2018-05-27T02:22:00.000Z",
"txHash": "effef0f296caffb20761e8e169d85e00bfee1eb4b29a1baa2d82c0bc844f6f3b",
"amount": 0,
"usdValue": 0,
"blockHeight": 5683282,
"activated": false
"lastInput": {
"blockTime": "2018-06-19T16:20:11.000Z",
"txHash": "50d0fd32533f9cd864267dfbea783bc9e832126d1f1c7710b7bf4eba8e57fb96",
"amount": 1100000000000000,
"usdValue": 0.58,
"blockHeight": 5817694,
"activated": false
"lastOutput": {
"blockTime": "2018-08-25T06:37:15.000Z",
"txHash": "b412ef667c2fda6164a22bbf2e117bf6dbeec6722f39b739178a17c0ad940b65",
"amount": 0,
"usdValue": 0,
"blockHeight": 6209586,
"activated": false
"transactions": {
"avgTxFee": 4428635134704500,
"avgTxSize": 0,
"daysWithoutTx": 97,
"receivePeak": 2061,
"sumTxFee": 137287689175840770,
"txCount": 34,
"daysSinceStart": 187,
"ccTurnover": 121601140548290000000,
"usdTurnover": 16682.46
"totalInput": {
"totalInflow": 121702281096580000000,
"avgInflow": 27534452736783224,
"minInflow": 10000000000000,
"maxInflow": 10000000000000000000,
"receiveCount": 4420,
"totalUsdInflow": 16696.34,
"avgUsdInflow": 3.78,
"minUsdInflow": 0,
"maxUsdInflow": 1371.9
"total_output": {
"totalOutflow": 121500000000000000000,
"avgOutflow": 3919354838709677600,
"minOutflow": 0,
"maxOutflow": 100500000000000000000,
"sentCount": 31,
"totalUsdOutflow": 16668.58,
"avgUsdOutflow": 537.7,
"minUsdOutflow": 0,
"maxUsdOutflow": 13787.6
"indicatorsSection": [
"catName": "Direct links to crime and fraud offences",
"riskDetected": false,
"isInformative": false,
"subCategories": [
"subCatName": "Cybercrime risk - ransomware",
"riskDetected": false,
"isInformative": false
"lek": {
"lekId": "string",
"createdAt": "2020-10-16T15:48:34.000Z"
API Reference ➡️
Wallet Analysis by Analysis ID
This endpoint gets the integrator’s wallet analysis by the analysis ID
API Request
curl --request GET \
--url \
--header 'accept: application/json' \
--header 'authorization: Bearer token'
API Response
"message": "Ok",
"data": {
"reportInfoSection": {
"network": "bitcoin",
"address": "0c92efa116074ba716d0e2156a6ffabd579f8035",
"description": "Hot wallet address belonging to a cryptocurrency exchange.",
"addressType": "ETH",
"addressSubtype": "ETH",
"asset": "ETH",
"precision": 18,
"analysedTime": "2022-05-30T09:54:26.018Z",
"reportBlockHeight": "14871895",
"addressUsed": true,
"isSmartContract": false,
"isCluster": true,
"earlyAccess": false
"riskScoreSection": {
"riskScore": 52,
"riskScoreInfo": [
"name": "Address belongs to entity that allows anonymous coins trading",
"groupName": "Anonymous coins trading",
"impact": 63
"name": "Other Risk Indicators",
"groupName": "Other Risk Indicators",
"impact": 37
"profileSection": {
"owner": {
"name": "Sample company name",
"url": "",
"relations": [
"name": "Related company",
"url": "",
"type": "Charity",
"legalEntityName": "Related company legal entity name",
"description": "Related company description"
"ownerRiskIndicators": [
"risk": "MEDIUM",
"description": "China - Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Singapore, Gibraltar, Japan, Seychelles, Belize"
"identifiedProfiles": [
"profileName": "Hot wallet address",
"profileType": "ADDRESS"
"financialAnalysisSection": {
"ccBalance": 64993407406012050,
"usdBalance": 8.98,
"usdBalanceWithoutTokens": 8.92,
"usdExchangeRate": 137.19,
"firstInput": {
"blockTime": "2018-05-27T02:03:53.000Z",
"txHash": "243dbf77feaa2eadd827bb5a7f1fb4a22754f2a0082d7f766bc256482ad610d8",
"amount": 200000000000000000,
"usdValue": 117.1,
"blockHeight": 5683205,
"activated": false
"firstOutput": {
"blockTime": "2018-05-27T02:22:00.000Z",
"txHash": "effef0f296caffb20761e8e169d85e00bfee1eb4b29a1baa2d82c0bc844f6f3b",
"amount": 0,
"usdValue": 0,
"blockHeight": 5683282,
"activated": false
"lastInput": {
"blockTime": "2018-06-19T16:20:11.000Z",
"txHash": "50d0fd32533f9cd864267dfbea783bc9e832126d1f1c7710b7bf4eba8e57fb96",
"amount": 1100000000000000,
"usdValue": 0.58,
"blockHeight": 5817694,
"activated": false
"lastOutput": {
"blockTime": "2018-08-25T06:37:15.000Z",
"txHash": "b412ef667c2fda6164a22bbf2e117bf6dbeec6722f39b739178a17c0ad940b65",
"amount": 0,
"usdValue": 0,
"blockHeight": 6209586,
"activated": false
"transactions": {
"avgTxFee": 4428635134704500,
"avgTxSize": 0,
"daysWithoutTx": 97,
"receivePeak": 2061,
"sumTxFee": 137287689175840770,
"txCount": 34,
"daysSinceStart": 187,
"ccTurnover": 121601140548290000000,
"usdTurnover": 16682.46
"totalInput": {
"totalInflow": 121702281096580000000,
"avgInflow": 27534452736783224,
"minInflow": 10000000000000,
"maxInflow": 10000000000000000000,
"receiveCount": 4420,
"totalUsdInflow": 16696.34,
"avgUsdInflow": 3.78,
"minUsdInflow": 0,
"maxUsdInflow": 1371.9
"total_output": {
"totalOutflow": 121500000000000000000,
"avgOutflow": 3919354838709677600,
"minOutflow": 0,
"maxOutflow": 100500000000000000000,
"sentCount": 31,
"totalUsdOutflow": 16668.58,
"avgUsdOutflow": 537.7,
"minUsdOutflow": 0,
"maxUsdOutflow": 13787.6
"indicatorsSection": [
"catName": "Direct links to crime and fraud offences",
"riskDetected": false,
"isInformative": false,
"subCategories": [
"subCatName": "Cybercrime risk - ransomware",
"riskDetected": false,
"isInformative": false
"assetsSection": {
"assetsCount": 0,
"usdValue": 0,
"assets": [
"contract": "string",
"name": "string",
"symbol": "string",
"balance": 0,
"balanceUsd": 0,
"xrate": 0,
"precision": 0
API Reference ➡️
Blacklist Info
This endpoint gives information on whether a wallet address of a given network is blacklisted or not.
API Request
curl --request GET \
--url \
--header 'accept: application/json' \
--header 'authorization: Bearer token'
API Request Parameters
field | description | type |
address | The wallet address | string |
network | The network/blockchain of the wallet address | string |
API Response
"message": "Ok",
"data": {
"network": "ETH",
"address": "bc1qxy2kgdygjrsqtzq2n0yrf2493p83kkfjhx0wlh",
"blacklisted": true,
"source": "Darkweb",
"createdAt": "2020-10-16T15:48:34.000Z"
API Reference ➡️
Blacklist History
This endpoint returns a paginated list of all the blacklist request by the integrator.
API Request
curl --request GET \
--url '' \
--header 'accept: application/json' \
--header 'authorization: Bearer token'
API Request Parameters
field | description | type |
lek | lek value provided in the last call for paginated responses | string |
limit | The number of values to return | number |
API Response
"message": "Ok",
"data": [
"network": "ETH",
"address": "bc1qxy2kgdygjrsqtzq2n0yrf2493p83kkfjhx0wlh",
"blacklisted": true,
"source": "Darkweb",
"createdAt": "2020-10-16T15:48:34.000Z"
"lek": {
lekId: "b7535048-76f8-4f60-bdd3-9d659298f9e7",
"createdAt": "2022-02-16T14:33:34.787Z"
API Reference ➡️
Updated over 1 year ago