Compliance Accounts

Create Compliance Account

This endpoint helps you configure your compliance (KYC and government database lookup) based on your needs. The KYC and Government database lookup service has to be started by initializing a verification which is tied to a configured compliance account.

API Request Object

“title”: “New AML Check”,
“email”: “”,
“status”: “active”,
“service”: “kyc”,
“subService”: [“email”, “passport”,”phone”]

Compliance Fields

TitleThe name of the compliance accountstring
EmailThe email attached to the compliancestring
StatusThe status which can be active or inactiveString
ServiceThe name of the service which could be KYCString
Sub-serviceThe sub services included in the compliance accountArray of strings

API Response

  "message": "Ok",
  "data": {
    "id": "b7535048-76f8-4f60-bdd3-9d659298f9e7",
    "integratorId": "b7535048-76f8-4f60-bdd3-9d659298f9e7",
    "status": "active",
    "title": "New AML Check",
    "email": "",
    "service": "kyc",
    "subService": [
      “email”, “passport”,”phone”
    "createdAt": "2022-07-31T18:06:54.060Z"

API Reference ➡️

List Compliance Accounts

This endpoint lists the compliance accounts of the integrator.

API Request

     --url \
     --header 'accept: application/json' \
     --header 'authorization: Bearer token '

API Response

  "message": "string",  
  "data": \[  
    "id": "b7535048-76f8-4f60-bdd3-9d659298f9e7",  
    "integratorId": "b7535048-76f8-4f60-bdd3-9d659298f9e7",  
    "status": "active",  
    "title": "New AML Check",  
    "email": "",  
    "service": "kyc",  
    "subService": [  
      “email”, “passport”,”phone”  
    "createdAt": "2022-07-31T18:06:54.060Z"  

API Reference ➡️

Update Compliance Account

This endpoint is used to update the integrator’s compliance account

API Request object

     "id": "23e4567-e89b-42d3-a456-55664",  
     "title": "New AML Check",  
     "email": "",  
     "status": "active",  
     "service": "kyc",  
     "subService": [  

API Response

  "message": "Account updated successfully"  

API Reference ➡️